Bass Books

The Working Bassist by John Carey: What You Really Need to Know to Survive in New York City



The Working Bassist: What You Really Need to Know to Survive in New York City by John Carey / Published by Planet Bass, NYC (

Is the grass really greener on the other side?

Is NYC the place for you to make my mark in the world of music?

If you have ever asked yourself either of these questions then this book is for you! Author and working bassist John Carey has done the legwork for you and interviewed over thirty of New York cities top bassists. And yes, I am going to make you check the book out for yourself to see who they are… but I will assure you that they represent every possible facet of the Bass community.

John has a set of questions that he poses to each bassist that will give you insight into the NYC scene and what you need to do to be successful there. It is possible that after reading this book you may opt not to go to the city and remain the very best bass player in your home town. I am confident that if you choose the latter that this would be far better than not knowing what to expect from the Big Apple and going there to bruise! On the other hand, if you go in prepared with realistic expectations and a plan, your chances of success are far better.

One bonus is that there is contact information for each musician interviewed so if you have a question or just want to have someone expand on a particular concept, you can drop them an e-mail.

After breezing through this easy-to-read book, you will find “25 tips for success”, a section with “New York City Wisdom, Perspective and inspiration” and even a space for your own notes!

Give it a read!

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