
Bruno Tauzin | “Bruno Tauzin” : Recommended Listening With Damian Erskine



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Bruno Tauzin
“Bruno Tauzin”

Fellow Bass Musician Magazine staffer Bruno Tauzin has just released a new solo bass CD and it’s quite a beautiful musical statement! As his website is in French, I couldn’t get a whole lot of information about the project so I’ll just get straight to the music (but you should check out his website! Lots of good information on there and instructional videos for budding bassists. No French required, just poke around… good stuff!).

Bruno has a really nice ear for melody and harmony (and it sounds like he’s spent some time in the classical wood shed… very reminiscent harmonic movement!). If you’re looking for a chop fest, this may not be the release for you, but I found every track to be very satisfying from a purely musical standpoint. Although I may not be one to listen to a whole album of solo bass very often (with the exception of some early Dave Holland releases) this music is very soothing and comforting! Bruno makes nice use of open strings, harmonics and double-stops and his lines are very organic. My overall impression is that, while you may not be bumping this while cruising the strip, the music here creates a very nice atmosphere. I found myself enjoying this as a soft soundtrack in the house while doing some other things (and that’s a much bigger compliment than it sounds..!). The music asks you to sit back and let it in… it won’t force itself upon you. Very worth checking out if you have a little patience.

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