Bass Books

Performing in the Zone by Jon Gorrie



Review by Raul Amador –

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Have you ever gone to a concert, a play, a sports event or even your favorite restaurant and just been blown away by how amazing it was? Superior performance in all aspects of life is much more that a mere coincidence! Performing in the Zone by Jon Gorrie was written to help you take a thorough look at yourself and take your performing (and anything in your life) to the next level.

First we are presented with the ‘Theory behind this Process where we get acquainted with the parameters of performance. Next we are given the many techniques we can use to get situated where we need to be for optimal performance. Next, we formalize the process by establishing a program to accomplish our goals. Lastly, we are given the keys to dig even deeper in the pursuit of that “Zone”

All in all, the clear and concise text and numerous exercises make this an excellent “workbook for success”. Anyone can apply the many lessons here to achieving a superior result in anything they choose.

Want to maximize your potential? Read this book!

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