Bass Books

The Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Bass Setup by Jerzy Drozd… A Review by Raul Amador



Meet Raul Amador

First, I want to celebrate our new format!!! As we continue to work to get better and better, this format will allow us to bring you the quality content you deserve in a more timely fashion and in fifty one languages other than English! The translations aren’t perfect but they are not terrible either, so, our readers around the world can enjoy our magazine in their own language!!

Ok, so now we dig into something really cool and the price is right……. Free!

The Ultimate Guide To The Perfect Bass Setup” by Jerzy Drozd
You can get this valuable manual by going to:
(Speaking of languages, this book is available in Spanish as well as English.)

Now that you can look at this book yourself, I won’t try to digest all the great information it has in it for you, but lets go over the contents…

Chapter 1. Preparing Your Instrument

Chapter 2. Adjusting the Instrument

Chapter 3. Instruments with a Double Truss-Rod

Lastly, a valuable Appendix with:

  • Standard Tuning Table!
  • Tuning Table for ERB Basses!
  • Cut-Out Templates for Curvature Adjustment!
  • Standard Formats A and B!
  • Cut-Out Templates for Curvature Adjustment!
  • ERB Formats A and B!

I will only share that there is a ton of very good information here and if you are self reliant in setting up your bass… it is perfect! I myself like knowing how, but I have an excellent shop that does this for me so maybe I will just try to impress them with my increased knowledge the next time I go in!

Check this one out at

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