Bass Books Launches E-Book Editions of Essential Sightreading Studies


on Launches E-Book Editions of Essential Sightreading Studies…, the online retailer of books for bass players, has launched digital editions of the three-volume Essential Sightreading Studies for Electric Bass. Bassists can continue to choose the print versions of these books, which include play-along CDs, or decide to purchase the books in pdf format with the recordings as mp3 files.

The e-book editions and accompanying mp3 files are available for digital download at the website. Each e-book is priced at $15, a 25% discount over the $19.99 retail price of the print versions. Both the print and digital versions of the Essential Sightreading Studies books are available individually or as specially-priced, three-volume sets.

The Essential Sightreading Studies series is written by bass player David Motto and published by Molto Music. These sightreading books are designed to give bass players who already know the basics of music notation guided material to strengthen their reading skills.

“Bass players need to practice at their current skill level for reading. The exercises in these books are carefully crafted to develop specific reading skills, like rhythm counting, pitch recognition, key signatures and time signatures. The music in each volume progresses from easy to difficult as the bassist goes through the book,” says author David Motto.

Dave Tuckman, Owner and Founder of adds, “Having the Essential Sightreading Studies books available in digital format gives bass players a whole new way of interacting with this material. These reading exercises are now available on the go, on a tablet computer, or on the computer in their practice studio. The convenience of not having to carry around books is a game changer for bass players. Bass method books as e-books with digital recordings are definitely the wave of the future.

E-Book Editions of Essential Sightreading Studies available at

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