Bass Books

Alfred Music Publishing Launches The New Basics Rock Series for Bass



Alfred Music Publishing Launches The New Basics Rock Series for Bass…  Alfred Music Publishing, the world leader in educational print music publishing since 1922, launches The New Basics Rock Book and CD series for bass, drums, guitar, and keyboard—giving everyone a unique and fun approach to learning how to play these instruments.

The New Basics Rock series is designed to help beginners play right away by teaching the very basic music building blocks and tunes in an enjoyable and user-friendly approach. Unlike typical methods that require hours of practicing and studying basic rudiments, every book in the series is developed to encourage a lifelong music journey with the approach of playing rock styles and songs right away. For a more engaging and fun learning experience, the companion CD contains every lesson featured in the books.

The New Basics: Rock Bass starts with simple concepts like holding the bass and plucking a string, then quickly moves on to more advanced and fun topics like building your own rock bass lines, arpeggios, basic theory, and warm-up exercises.

The New Basics: Rock Drums starts with simple concepts like setting up and tuning and advances on to learning basic beats, fills, and even the techniques of some of the greatest drummers of all time.

The New Basics: Rock Guitar starts briefly with basic chords and rock tunes, and has students playing lead guitar techniques such as power chords, scales, improvisation, and other exciting rock guitar concepts in no time.

The New Basics: Rock Keyboard starts with a short section on warm-ups and cool rock patterns before moving on to chords and melodies, along with how to read music and play scales, rock licks, and fun tunes.

The New Basics Rock Book and CD series for bass, drums, guitar, and keyboard are available for $14.99 each and can be found at music retailers and at

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