
NAMM 2013, It’s a Wrap



raul amadorAt this moment, the ache of my feet from walking the entire Anaheim Convention Center at Winter NAMM 2013 is wearing off and we are hunkering down to process the huge amount of images and video from the Show.

The whole NAMM experience is very exciting and rewarding as we explored new bass gear and accessories, chatted with great musicians, ran into our good friends and supporters and enjoyed some amazing, spontaneous music. Since the Show is not open to the general public, we are happy to bring what we capture to our readers worldwide, I appreciate the interest and comments we have been getting so far on our social media posts; please feel free to continue to add your two cents.

And did we ever capture some great stuff at the NAMM show! We have an exclusive interview with the very talented Gerald Veasley and much, much more. (And yes, we had to include the Zombie Apocalypse video from Mackie. It is just too cool, and was a great way to begin an early press conference!)

One of the strengths of being a totally virtual magazine is the ability to add content throughout the month. This way you don’t have to wait until March to see what happened in January. So make sure you keep checking back with us as we continue to post. Or better yet, make sure to subscribe for free and have new content delivered directly to your email.

We have a solid cover interview with Jennifer Young, the recording and touring bassist for rock fusion trio, the Travis Larson Band! Congrats to Eric Parsons on a great job with his first cover interview!

I am sure you have already noticed that we recently launched our signature Bass-T shop and many of you saw us at NAMM sporting the new bass T-shirts in the pictures and video we shot at Anaheim. Join us and others who have ordered their very own BMM shirts and get one (or more) of your own… Show the world your commitment to bass and to YOUR magazine! Better yet, take a photo of yourself in your shirt and share it on Instagram @bassmusicianmag.

And looking ahead to March… are you going to the London Bass Show? If you are, look for our very own Biscuit on March 3rd who will be doing demos on Hartke amps! Take a picture of the two of you and post it on our social media areas (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)!  It is kind of like playing where’s Waldo… just Where’s Biscuit!

Lastly, I want to remind you that Bass Musician Magazine is (and has been for quite some time) mobile responsive so you can enjoy your bass updates wherever you are on your smart phones and devices.

Well that is all for now… time to get to work on all that NAMM material so you all can enjoy it!

Keep it Low!


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