
Bassist on a Worship Team By Kenny Butcher



kenny-butcher-with-dana-marie-music-summer-1496-300x225Great post from a BMM reader on the subject of Worship Bass…

This is without a doubt the longest post on my website, but this is a rather large topic. How does a bassist fit into a worship team? I have been involved in worship teams on and off since I was 15 years old and for the most part I’ve always enjoyed it. Music is one way believers express worship to one and true living God. Bass guitar is an integral part of modern worship music, including rock and contemporary, but it is just as vital in older traditional hymns type music as well. I would encourage you, as a bassist, to look composers like: Robert LowryCharles Wesley, or Isaac Watts because the music is actually quite challenging in comparison to most of todays music. It will make you a better bassist, even if you just look over the music.


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