Bass Player News

Alberto Rigoni – Song in Memoriam of Randy Coven



Alberto Rigoni - Song in Memoriam of Randy Coven

Alberto Rigoni, a song in memoriam of Randy Coven, who passed away on May 20th 2014.

“I discovered Randy Coven back in 2002 when I purchased ARK’s “Burn the Sun” (one of my favorite albums ever). I was amazed by his unique and superb bass playing. The way he played fretless bass in metal songs was truly innovative. Recently I was trying to contact him for a new studio project that will feature many great prog rock metal bass players from all around the world. Yesterday I learned that he passed away. I’m still shocked and I don’t know what to say but will dedicate my new album (out on October 1st 2014) to him. RIP Randy, you will always inspire my music!!”
in memoriam of Randy, Alberto makes available the song “Corruption” from his upcoming album, featuring Simone Mularoni (DGM) on guitars, Federico Solazzo on keyboards and Denis Novello on drums.
The instrumental progressive metal song can be listened at the following link: 


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