Bass CDs

Review of Red Hot + Bach with Ron Carter



Review of Red Hot + Bach with Ron Carter on Double Bass…

I love music, I always have and always will. Listening to “Red Hot + Bach” renews this very sentiment for me.

Red Hot + Bach-1

As a small child, I was surrounded by music and at an early age I found myself fascinated with the musical genius, Johan Sebastian Bach. I remember we were in a music store in Boulder, Colorado and they were playing a new LP entitled, “Switched On Bach,” where Walter Carlos was performing classic Bach pieces on Moog Synthesizer. I purchased the album, and all following Moog records I could find afterwards.

If you are wondering where I am going with this, let me get to my point… J.S. Bach really understood music. The intricate patterns and compositional choices he made were at a superior level and have transcended through the ages. I believe that every musician should experience this music in-depth to gain insight into what is creatively possible. Better yet, one might grasp that there is still so much  unexplored, potential music at ones fingertips, if you only reach for it.

That brings us to “Red Hot + Bach,” where we have an updated, superb performance of nineteen classic Bach pieces. This CD is not just someone else playing the pieces verbatim, but they have taken this timeless music and made it their own. The CD is a collaborative effort of a veritable army of exceptional musicians, DJ’s and producers (See the web site for the full  list of featured artists) that bring this music alive, using their specific instruments and making interpretive choices that rise above simply playing the music.

As our primary interest is bass, I must highlight the Cello Suite No. 1 with the world-renown Ron Carter on Double Bass; you must simply let the music speak for itself.

As you listen to this YouTube video, you will note that there is a pattern of color and drawing  movement that compliment the music.This is actually part of an interactive feature  that goes with this CD and is being releases simultaneously.  There is an iPad App for this! You will have to check this out to fully get what it does, but trust me, it is very cool!

it is equally important to point out that the work of Red Hot, A Non for Profit company, is to raise awareness and money in the ongoing fight to stop AIDS around the world. Even though I actually have other RED Hot recordings, I must admit that I had no idea that they have been working on this for the last 25 years.

I encourage you to discover and enjoy this particularly excellent CD and to check out Red Hot’s other CD’s; please help support this worthy cause.

For more information about this project, please visit

Red Hot + Bach is available at

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