Bass Videos

Momo’s Motivation for Musicians – So You’re Tired AF… Do It Anyways



Do you find yourself is a state of T.A.F?

Being Tired as F is not conducive to getting your career and affairs to the next level.

The trick to taking your TIRED ASS and turning it into a FULL ENERGY BOTTOM END, is understanding that THE PLAN IS GREATER THEN THE PAIN of being burnt out and confused.

It’s amazing how finally achieving musical and personal goals have a way of turning things around when it comes to your energy and state of mind.

Listen to this video for my prospective on how to Turn your TIRED into the FUEL that PROPLES you into a state of ENERGY by default of your own ACTIONS and you will go from bad tired to good tired in no time.

I hope this helps you out in any way on dealing with this issue, and thank you for taking the time to listen to Momos Motivation for Musicians right here on Bass Musician Magazine.

You guys totally Rock –

M xoxoxox

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