Bass Videos

Momo’s Motivation for Musicians – Get Real Or Get Out



There is nothing wrong with admitting that we have a problem moving forward with what we have dreamt about for years.

It just might mean you’d be in the same business, doing different things in a different way that would be way more fulfilling and rewarding for you.

Playing music has been the pathway for me learning to master many skillsets that were extensions of music, such as recording, mixing, directing, editing, public speaking, and even quitting music for years while working with music company’s not even knowing that I was a musician and creator myself.

I read a Will Lee interview once where he said when he hit a wall the best thing he did was stop playing for a while and go do other shit.

Might as well learn all the shit that you used to have to pay for and now get paid for it.

When you decide to go back to do your solo project you will have a whole new set of skills that will let you express yourself and do the best fucking music ever.

Here’s what I have to say about that.

I hope this inspires and helps you in any way possible. Thanks for watching and come back for more right here on Bass Musician Magazine.

M xoxox

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