Bass Videos

New Indie Documentary: My Friend Matt (AKA The Founder of Musicvox)



My Friend Matt: A story about friendship, music and staying original against all odds.

My Friend Matt… In the world of the music instrument-making companies, there are those who produce the classics, the ones played by most of the guitar and bass heroes you’ve seen and heard your whole life in almost every concert, video and TV show. There are also the high-end boutique and one-of-a-kind custom-made ones that live somewhere on the walls of the upscale houses of avid collectors and carry a cost equivalent to an expensive car. And then, way off-center, there is a company like Musicvox, whose instruments call to those who are deeply original by nature, who gravitate towards the unexpected. The offbeat. These individuals not bound by social class or even musical genres, all share something in common that truly sets them apart and makes them a community of sorts: Playfulness.

You NEVER know the impact of a single encounter… this incredible documentary is a tribute to the power of moments… and friendship… and history… please take the time to watch this. A+ story and editing.
Raul Amador
Editor, Bass Musician Magazine

It is the common denominator that fuels their love for the quirky “Jetsons” esthetics that inspires the Musicvox DNA.

Momo, aka Michel Laredo, is the filmmaker of My Friend Matt and also one of those loyal lovers of the brand. In this indie documentary, he tells the story of how he nearly quit a decades-long music industry career, only to discover his unicorn 12-string bass made by Matt, that would re-fuel his passion for music. They struck up an unlikely friendship that would change both their lives.

This is the story of that friendship as well as the love and loyalty of almost 30 music industry pros for the instruments and the man behind their designs.


Stuart Johnson, Billy Sheehan, Abe Ovadia, Matthew Sweet, Matt Mahaffey, Jeff Feola, Lars Mullen, Pete Prown, Ben Marks, Shane Speal, Clement Peerens, Clint Bahr, Mike Post, Hannah Eichen, Ego Plum, Mark Rowe, Crila, Larry Acunto, Jonas Lindström, Michael Molenda, Chris Gill, Mark Pirro, Bill Nelson, Brent Archer Anthonisen, Gregor Fris, Paul Riario, Timo Ukonaho, and Noah Krug

To view My Friend Matt, visit online at

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