Bass Books

Bass Player’s Guide To Pentatonics



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Bass Player’s Guide To Pentatonics by Janek Gwizdala…

Bass Player’s Guide to Pentatonics harnesses the power of the pentatonic scale for bass players of all genres and abilities.

Presented in four parts, this book takes you on a journey of pentatonics through their endless and amazing uses: learn the most useful scale fingerings, how to solo on “Giant Steps,” master funky bass lines and fills, and expand your ear to create innovative melodies and solos.

The pentatonic ideas in this book transcend genre boundaries and are guaranteed to add something new to your playing. And for the first time ever: along with the standard complete video master-class that provides a deeper understanding of the book’s content, we’re including highly polished play-alongs that will allow you to put all of these concepts into action immediately.

If you want to improve every aspect of your bass playing today, Bass Player’s Guide to Pentatonics is your answer.

Bass Player’s Guide To Pentatonics is available at

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