Bass Videos

Interview With Bassist Mike Zuniga



Interview With Bassist Mike Zuniga…

I was stoked to get the opportunity to talk to Grammy award-winning bassist Mike Zuniga (@mikexzuniga). Mike is a heavy-hitting player in the Spanish Christian music genre and is a wealth of talent and information. I will admit that I am not very familiar with this music but I am always eager to discover something new.

Not only does he play bass but Mike is a studio owner, producer and engineer. On top of all that he recently has developed a signature bass with Nashville luthier Ricardo Sanchez.

Join me as we hear how Mike got his start in music, his journey, his collaborations with different bands, how he gets his sound and his plans for the future.

As a special bonus, We have a Spanish explanation on how Mike gets his sound!

Photos, @nolipro_

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Follow online at YouTube, IG, FB @mikexzuniga

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