
Interview With Bassist and Physiotherapist Anna Achimowicz



Interview With Bassist and Physiotherapist Anna Achimowicz…

Bass players are very aware of how our bodies are affected by the wear and tear of a lifestyle of musical performance. The problem is that many players do not know what to do to prepare and manage themselves to minimize trauma and deal with it when it occurs. Some people might be fortunate enough to discover that you have to find a team to inform and help you with this journey.

One potential member of your support team might be a physiotherapist and who better than one that plays bass and is familiar with the specific needs of bass players? Allow me to introduce you to Anna Achimowicz. Not only is Anna a highly trained and qualified healthcare professional but she has joined the ranks of a bass player over the last few years.

Join us as we discuss more of this topic in depth, the resources you currently have at your disposal, Anna’s artistic career, her ongoing bass journey and so much more.

Born to move and rock, not to sit static! A new workshop “Body Management for metal Bass players”…

“Holy Diver” – Cover Collaboration

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Official website: achimowiczanna.wixsite.com/bandaid
FB @PerformingArtsMedicineEU/
IG @performingartsmedicine/

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