Bass Edu

Approach Notes – Part Two



Approach Notes – Part Two…

In my previous lesson entitled “Approach Notes for Bass,” I introduced a “double chromatic from above” approach note concept to four arpeggio inversions. -See my lesson entitled “Arpeggio Inversions” for a review of the basic inversion patterns. The next concept I’m introducing to you applies the exact opposite approach to the chord tones and their corresponding inversions. 

Exercise one employs a “double chromatic from below” approach to the four inversion patterns. Apply the double chromatic approach to the root of the chord and continue up the arpeggio by playing the 3rd, 5th, and seventh. Then apply the approach to the root once more and continue to the 3rd and 5th of the chord. Continue the pattern back down again.

Follow the cycle by applying the approach notes to the first inversion (3rd of the chord) and continue with the remaining chord tones. 

Apply the approach notes to the second inversion (5th of the chord) and continue with the remaining chord tones.

Apply the approach notes to the third inversion (7th of the chord) and continue with the remaining chord tones.

Approach Notes – Part Two

You will begin to generate and discover many melodic ideas after applying approach notes to basic arpeggios. Apply the approach notes to major 7th, minor 7th, dominant 7th, minor 7 b5, and diminished 7th arpeggio inversions in all twelve keys. Try practicing one chord type a week. Work on this information slowly in order to absorb all the material. Good luck!

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