Bass Videos

Cheikh Ndoye, Son Of Africa – Bass Musician Magazine, February 2018 Issue



I have often said… music IS the universal language.

Every time I have the opportunity to talk to a fellow bass player from another part of our planet, I am overjoyed by the fact that we share a common bond in music. We can appreciate each other’s musical roots and borrow each others musical licks, tempos and patterns. More importantly, we respect each others beginnings and journey without prejudice. Wouldn’t it be great if everyone could follow that example?

When the opportunity to talk to Cheikh Ndoye arose, I was thrilled by the idea and the timing was perfect. Cheikh, who is originally from Senegal, is on the verge of releasing a new album “Sons of Africa”.

We have had the chance to talk with Cheikh on multiple occasions in the past years:

In this interview we wanted to talk more about his bass journey, as well as “Sons of Africa” and upcoming projects.

Without further ado, I give you Cheikh Ndoye.

Check out some of Cheikh’s videos:

Visit Cheikh Ndoye online at

Cover photo, MUPERPHOTO


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