Bass Videos

Jonathan Moffett “Sugarfoot”, A Bass Player’s Best Friend – Bass Musician Magazine, June 2018 Issue



A DRUMMERS BEST FRIEND By Michel Laredo aka Momo

Click to view a personal message for Bass Players by Jonathan “Sugarfoot” Moffett

This Month on Bass Musician Magazine it was in the stars to showcase something a little different, something a little unexpected, but something that is totally respected when it comes to the foundation of music and becoming a bass player’s best friend.

You and your partner in groove crime
Navigating the cosmos of Musical highways
That you are paving together in real time.
Is one of the true and rightful goals for us bass players.

The right drummer will make you sound and play at your best,
They will make or break a track, and even make you sound better
Then you really are.

Photo courtesy of

It is with great honor that I get to bring you a set of interviews with one of the world’s best BEATSTERS and driving Drum force for 30 years with Michael Jackson, as well as his sister Janet Jackson, Madonna, Elton John, George Michael and many others over the course of his long successful career as a drummer, producer, writer, artist and all around spiritual, wise and funny guy.

In these interviews you will learn and confirm what a guy like Jonathan likes in a bass player, how he sees the relationship between the kick and the snare, the power of discipline, his favorite bass players as well as incredible stories about how he started and his journey with some of the greatest music makers in history.

Jonathan Moffett is one of the best examples of a guy who came from nowhere but had a dream and worked hard.

He was working and getting paid by the age of 10 years old and his first professional gig was with the king himself, Michael Jackson, until the very end.

I urge my bass player brothers to take the time to listen and extract the valuable life changing information that is shared by The Sugarfoot and let it inspire a new and optimized direction you might be looking for.

Listen to it in peace, not with a bunch of noise in the background, Focus!

Jonathan has a very soothing voice that delivers precise real time information, tips and tricks that take years to learn and understand. Let’s take the lessons from this Master, the very first Drummer, if ever again to share the symbiosis appreciation here on Bass Musician Magazine for love of his Bass brother in Arms, You, The Bass Player.

Thanks for Reading, Watching, Sharing, and commenting!!! You guys totally Rock !!!

M xoxoxox

Visit Jonathan “Sugarfoot” Moffett Online:


Opening and Cover Photo, Char Rowse from Drumeo












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