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Willis Takes on Your Questions



Hey Willis…
Over the years that you’ve traveled and gigged, how often did you find yourself at the venue making little tweeks to your relief, considering that the temp and humidity effects the neck. I’m guessing every now and then you’d have to get out your wrench and make slight adjustments depending on room conditions??? With your action so low I naturally assumed that small subtle changes in room conditions make a bigger impact on your action etc since there isnit much room for forgiveness on a bass like yours with how low you set it up

My truss rod does need a little tweak from time to time – sometimes I’ll go transatlantic and it won’t need any adjustment but other times from one week to the next I might notice a little change. It’s not always predictable but it’s not a big deal to me to fine tune it every once in a while and it’s something every player should keep an eye on.

Hey Willis…
I got this E-mail adress from a close friend colleague of mine you worked with (Nigel Hitchcock/alto saxophonist). We are working on a big musical project related to global warming and would like to get in touch with Polly Samson (David gilmour’s wife) for submitting her song she’d write lyrics on. As you worked with David by Pink Floyd, I’d like to ask you to help me getting in touch with her. Could you give me her E-mail adress ? In advance, thanks a lot for your help.
Looking forward to meet you!

Uhhh . . . Ivan,
There’s a very slim outside chance that I might have met Nigel Hitchcock but I’m sure I’ve never played with him. Hmmm. . . Also, I’m sure I’ve never met David Gilmour so I’m definitely at a loss with the whole Polly Samson thing. I do remember listening to Pink Floyd in art class in high school. Wait a sec . . . . . . . Nigel Hitchcock’s website turns up a live date listing from 2004 with Laurence Cottle on bass. That’s got me thinking . . . . hold on . . . . if you Google Laurence Cottle and David Gilmour together there are numerous hits with them both listed. So there you have it, the power of Google. While I’m at it, here’s the contact page for Laurence Cottle. He’s a nice chap and I’m sure he’ll cooperate with the contact you’re looking for.

Hey Willis…
Are you going to at the World Championship Air Bass at the European BassDay 2007?

Hey DG,
The European Bass Day guys have been kind enough to invite me before but it hasn’t worked out to make it there, yet. Anyway, man, when I first saw the announcement for World Championship Air Bass I think threw up in my mouth a little. I mean, whatever happened to the dignity that is normally associated with us bassists? I thought we were above all that attention-seeking-look-at-what-I’m-doing-now-and-now-and-how-about-now? Ok-then-what-about-this-next-lick? Or-how-about-this-really-cool-one? And-then-when-I-play-this-I-close-my-eyes-and. . . . . . . . sorry. Anyway, after I had time to wash my mouth out and think about it, it started to generate a little curiosity. The contest rules suggest posting a YouTube video as part of the entrance procedure. So it turns out that YouTube doesn’t really have much to offer, just some British actor and a few more unwitting victims being taped. But later on down the page is this crowning cinematic achievement:


This, my friends, is why the internet exists. Eight plus minutes of a guy hooking up subwoofers and driving them at super low frequencies. The drama – waiting for the speaker to move – it’s breathtaking. Oh, and that Air Bass thing – who cares? Gimme more subwoofer solos!

Hey Willis…
I was following the right hand exercises in your video, and I seemed to notice something. If we define the basic position as being that of each finger on a consecutive string – this is the position after a ‘reset’, then when you perform the exercises slowly all your resets go back to the basic position. However, as you speed up the second finger doesn’t always seem to go back to rest on an intermediate string before going up or down to damp a note. Unfortunately the video itself doesn’t always have closeups of your right hand when you do this – so I wondered if you could comment on this?

Is there any chance that the video will be re-released on DVD ? And any plans to do more DVDs/Videos?


Hey Chris,
Good point. The open-string exercise, and others that include left hand notes do exactly what you mention. At a slower tempo they work to get your fingers comfortable with always being in contact with strings instead of up in the air and also it helps to eliminate whatever involuntary motion that you might have developed before. Once things speed up, like you mention, it’s impossible to reset before moving on. A slow tempo is mandatory to start and works to break habits that might interfere with getting started with the 3-finger technique and aslo helps create new habits that’ll help later on.

As for the Video/DVD, please feel free to pirate it wherever you can find it. I’ve never seen a penny of royalties and it’s been well documented my issues with how it was put together. So I guess that means I won’t be involved in the DVD commentary track?

Hey Willis…
So I know all my modes and I’m learning my notation better. Everything is undertood by shapes for me. Right now I’m digging into the circles of 5ths, then i will move to the 4ths. My question is how do I end up using this knowledge when it comes to writing and playing smooth catchy bass line’s? Although I’m learning it, I’m having a hard time seeing how it all comes together. Any advice would be welcome.
Thanks, Brian.

Hey Brian,
Sorry, but the short answer is that increasing your knowledge does very little to help you put it all together. Now for the long answer: More knowledge just results in a bigger dictionary you carry around to check with when you want to play something, or worse – categorize it. Knowlege tends to weigh down the process. Of the things that you mentioned – modes, notation, shapes, circle of 5ths, circle of 4ths – the only thing that to me really directly helps is shapes. Shapes have a direct relationship to the fingerboard. The rest of the elements you’re studying or have studied are fairly non-intuitive and introduce a non-musical languange (English or some other spoken language) that stands between you and your intuitive musical language. Developing the ability to write and play smooth catchy bass lines has to be intuitive. Intuition is subconscious. Sure, people say that knowlege eventually will have an affect on your subconscious but the comparison I always fall back on is this: In any conversation (anytime in your whole life) did you find yourself mentally thinking, “OK, now I’m going to use a really clever adverb after this participle clause”? Of course not – so how do you really learn to speak? By listening and associating sounds with ideas. The musical analogy is to listen to catchy bass lines, associate those lines and fragments of lines with their fingerboard shapes and you will have reinforced a direct link from what something sounds like to what it looks like to play it and subsequently create it. No spoken language reference has to be involved. Eventually this will happen when you imagine a bass line – you’ll hear (or imagine) the line and see the shapes involved in creating it – usually as you’re creating. A musical result won’t come from thinking of a mode, or imagining notation or referencing your knowledge of the circle of 15ths. . .or whatever. Start dedicating a bigger part of your practice time to intuitive playing, something that requires your imagination, something where you can experiment and make mistakes. This should go a long way towards putting it all together much faster.

Hey Willis…
I now have the oportunity to make my own custom bass .. and I never believed that it will be hard, but it is :-)). What you could suggest me to choose for a fretless bass? I have a dilema, I always used humbuckers, now everybody is pushing me to put on the fretless single coils .. why? And another thing, the body wood .. i allways used swamp ash .. now everybody is pushing me to put harder woods on the fretless because “it will be boomy” .. why? I don’t have experience with fretless basses, especially with building them :-)), and the only opinion i trust is yours.

Ahh, this one’s easy:
At the risk of giving the appearance of shameless self-promotion, I have to answer honestly and tell you that every element that you could ask me about the construction of a fretless is included in my Ibanez signature model. For the specifics you mentioned, body and pickup, I use swamp ash and a custom designed hum-cancelling (not humbucking) Bartolini pickup. The hum-cancelling is quiet like a humbucker but has the single aperture sound of single coil pickups. FYI, I’ve never know swamp ash to be “boomy”. In fact, I choose a light peice of swamp ash because it has a better ability to resonate low frequencies than hardwoods. The problem if you’re not sure about design elements is that you are curently dependent on “everybody’s” opinion. It’s quite possible that you’ll have to make some mistakes before you find out exactly what will fit your playing style. Early on, since I couldn’t afford to experiment with buying different basses, I was building and assembling almost everything myself, including winding pickups by hand and carving bodies from blanks. You’re heading in the right direction, asking as many people as possible, but don’t be in a hurry to get a bass done. You’re aware now that there are a LOT of decisions involved: fingerboard material, fingerboard thickness, fingerboard finish, neck construction (1,2 3, or more pieces), neck thickness, lines – no lines, tuners, tuner placement, nut material, fingerboard radius, headstock shape, headstock angle, body shape, body material, bolt-on, neck -thru, bridge material, string spacing at the bridge, string spacing at the nut, neck attachment (4 screws, 5 or I’ve seen 6), pickup(s), pickup configuration, pickup placement, strap pin placement, color, finish and more.
Relax, I’ve made all these decisions for you. It’s an Ibanez GWB1005 in case your forgot 😉 Anyway, if you find people pushing you, push back and see if you can wait until you’re more sure what you want to do.

Hey Willis…
A strategy i have implemented for quite some time (and to the joy of my students, have left out of my lesson content), is a “musical device” I have lazily titled, RH subdivision. The brass tax of it is considering the subdivision of the beat when deciding which RH finger to use. A basic 16th note subdivision has 4 notes per beat. 1 e + a 2 e + a, yaddy + a…..By “assigning” my index to “1” and “+”, the middle finger to “e” and “a”, the “feel” of the music is brought out. Now in triple meter, or duple meter with triplets, the same thing applies, but with every beat, the fingering switches. Roadhouse Blues by the Doors was the song that started this. It is in triple meter (12/8 probably), with an odd number of notes per phrase. This results in a reversal of the RH fingering for each phrase, changing the “feel” from phrase to phrase. The fingering result when considering the subdivision is: i im mi imim. Doesnt seem like very economical fingering, but if you fill in the rests with the finger that “could” be there, it is very strict alternate picking. The second phrase would have the same fingering. This “musical device” creates continuity in the feel by creating consistent RH fingering. I too often ran into songs with repeated odd not phrases, where i felt the phrase was destroyed by a fingering reversal. This method, I believe, is a “musical” improvement, with the “technical” improvement being a byproduct, not the intention. Now to the sticky part….. Your RH fingering system, does not account for phrasing. Or does it?

Hey Adam,
I’m sure the threat of implementing this method definitely keeps your students in line. In fact, thanks to Alberto Gonzalez and some last minute rewriting of the U.S. criminal code before he quit, you’re lucky that this strategy is even legal. Did the Doors even have a bass player? My right hand system was legal before Gonzo and I don’t torture my students. Of course, if I did, you’d never know because, well . . . Anyway, my RH system is fully accountable for phrasing and it never has been gay.

This, my friends, is why the internet exists. Eight+ minutes of a guy hooking up subwoofers and driving them at super low frequencies. The drama – waiting for the speaker to move – it’s breathtaking. Oh, and that Air Bass thing – who cares? Gimme more subwoofer solos!

Hey Willis,
I was following the right hand exercises in your video, and I seemed to notice something. If we define the basic position as being that of each finger on a consecutive string – this is the position after a ‘reset’, then when you perform the exercises slowly all your resets go back to the basic position. However, as you speed up the second finger doesn’t always seem to go back to rest on an intermediate string before going up or down to damp a note. Unfortunately the video itself doesn’t always have closeups of your right hand when you do this – so I wondered if you could comment on this? Is there any chance that the video will be re-released on DVD? And any plans to do more DVDs/Videos?

Hey Chris,
Good point. The open-string exercise, and others that include left hand notes do exactly what you mention. At a slower tempo they work to get your fingers comfortable with always being in contact with strings instead of up in the air and also it helps to eliminate whatever involuntary motion that you might have developed before. Once things speed up, like you mention, it’s impossible to reset before moving on. A slow tempo is mandatory to start and works to break habits that might interfere with getting started with the 3-finger technique and aslo helps create new habits that’ll help later on.

As for the Video/DVD, please feel free to pirate it wherever you can find it. I’ve never seen a penny of royalties and it’s been well documented my issues with how it was put together. So I guess that means I won’t be involved in the DVD commentary track?

Hey Willis,
So I know all my modes and I’m learning my notation better. Everything is undertood by shapes for me. Right now I’m digging into the circles of 5ths, then i will move to the 4ths. My question is how do I end up using this knowledge when it comes to writing and playing smooth catchy bass line’s? Although I’m learning it, I’m having a hard time seeing how it all comes together. Any advice would be welcome.
thanks, Brian.

Hey Brian,
Sorry, but the short answer is that increasing your knowledge does very little to help you put it all together. Now for the long answer: More knowledge just results in a bigger dictionary you carry around to check with when you want to play something, or worse – categorize it. Knowlege tends to weigh down the process. Of the things that you mentioned – modes, notation, shapes, circle of 5ths, circle of 4ths – the only thing that to me really directly helps is shapes. Shapes have a direct relationship to the fingerboard. The rest of the elements you’re studying or have studied are fairly non-intuitive and introduce a non-musical languange (English or some other spoken language) that stands between you and your intuitive musical language. Developing the ability to write and play smooth catchy bass lines has to be intuitive. Intuition is subconscious. Sure, people say that knowlege eventually will have an affect on your subconscious but the comparison I always fall back on is this: In any conversation (anytime in your whole life) did you find yourself mentally thinking, “OK, now I’m going to use a really clever adverb after this participle clause”? Of course not – so how do you really learn to speak? By listening and associating sounds with ideas. The musical analogy is to listen to catchy bass lines, associate those lines and fragments of lines with their fingerboard shapes and you will have reinforced a direct link from what something sounds like to what it looks like to play it and subsequently create it. No spoken language reference has to be involved. Eventually this will happen when you imagine a bass line – you’ll hear (or imagine) the line and see the shapes involved in creating it – usually as you’re creating. A musical result won’t come from thinking of a mode, or imagining notation or referencing your knowledge of the circle of 15ths. . .or whatever. Start dedicating a bigger part of your practice time to intuitive playing, something that requires your imagination, something where you can experiment and make mistakes. This should go a long way towards putting it all together much faster.

Hey Willis,
I now have the oportunity to make my own custom bass .. and I never believed that it will be hard, but it is :-)). What you could suggest me to choose for a fretless bass? I have a dilema, I always used humbuckers, now everybody is pushing me to put on the fretless single coils .. why? And another thing, the body wood .. i allways used swamp ash .. now everybody is pushing me to put harder woods on the fretless because “it will be boomy” .. why? I don’t have experience with fretless basses, especially with building them :-)), and the only opinion i trust is yours.

Ahh, this one’s easy:
At the risk of giving the appearance of shameless self-promotion, I have to answer honestly and tell you that every element that you could ask me about the construction of a fretless is included in my Ibanez signature model. For the specifics you mentioned, body and pickup, I use swamp ash and a custom designed hum-cancelling (not humbucking) Bartolini pickup. The hum-cancelling is quiet like a humbucker but has the single aperture sound of single coil pickups. FYI, I’ve never know swamp ash to be “boomy”. In fact, I choose a light peice of swamp ash because it has a better ability to resonate low frequencies than hardwoods. The problem if you’re not sure about design elements is that you are curently dependent on “everybody’s” opinion. It’s quite possible that you’ll have to make some mistakes before you find out exactly what will fit your playing style. Early on, since I couldn’t afford to experiment with buying different basses, I was building and assembling almost everything myself, including winding pickups by hand and carving bodies from blanks. You’re heading in the right direction, asking as many people as possible, but don’t be in a hurry to get a bass done. You’re aware now that there are a LOT of decisions involved: fingerboard material, fingerboard thickness, fingerboard finish, neck construction (1,2 3, or more pieces), neck thickness, lines – no lines, tuners, tuner placement, nut material, fingerboard radius, headstock shape, headstock angle, body shape, body material, bolt-on, neck -thru, bridge material, string spacing at the bridge, string spacing at the nut, neck attachment (4 screws, 5 or I’ve seen 6), pickup(s), pickup configuration, pickup placement, strap pin placement, color, finish and more.

Relax, I’ve made all these decisions for you. It’s an Ibanez GWB1005 in case your forgot 😉 Anyway, if you find people pushing you, push back and see if you can wait until you’re more sure what you want to do.

Hey Willis,
A strategy i have implemented for quite some time (and to the joy of my students, have left out of my lesson content), is a “musical device” I have lazily titled, RH subdivision. The brass tax of it is considering the subdivision of the beat when deciding which RH finger to use. A basic 16th note subdivision has 4 notes per beat. 1 e + a 2 e + a, yaddy + a…..By “assigning” my index to “1” and “+”, the middle finger to “e” and “a”, the “feel” of the music is brought out. Now in triple meter, or duple meter with triplets, the same thing applies, but with every beat, the fingering switches. Roadhouse Blues by the Doors was the song that started this. It is in triple meter (12/8 probably), with an odd number of notes per phrase. This results in a reversal of the RH fingering for each phrase, changing the “feel” from phrase to phrase. The fingering result when considering the subdivision is: i im mi imim. Doesnt seem like very economical fingering, but if you fill in the rests with the finger that “could” be there, it is very strict alternate picking. The second phrase would have the same fingering. This “musical device” creates continuity in the feel by creating consistent RH fingering. I too often ran into songs with repeated odd not phrases, where i felt the phrase was destroyed by a fingering reversal. This method, I believe, is a “musical” improvement, with the “technical” improvement being a byproduct, not the intention. Now to the sticky part….. Your RH fingering system, does not account for phrasing. Or does it?

Hey Adam,
I’m sure the threat of implementing this method definitely keeps your students in line. In fact, thanks to Alberto Gonzalez and some last minute rewriting of the U.S. criminal code before he quit, you’re lucky that this strategy is even legal. Did the Doors even have a bass player? My right hand system was legal before Gonzo and I don’t torture my students. Of course, if I did, you’d never know because, well . . . Anyway, my RH system is fully accountable for phrasing and it never has been gay.

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Bass Videos

Gear News: Spector Launches Euro CST and Euro LX Basses



Gear News: Spector Launches Euro CST and Euro LX Basses

Spector, a leading authority in bass guitar design, unveils new additions to its product line: Euro CST, Euro LX and Euro LX Bolt On basses.

Euro CST:
The Euro CST introduces all-new tonewoods, electronics, and finish combinations never seen in the Euro Series, drawing inspiration from Spector’s Woodstock, NY-based Custom Shop. Each Euro CST instrument is meticulously crafted using premium materials, featuring a striking, highly figured Poplar Burl top, a resonant European Ash body, and a 3-piece North American Maple neck paired with an Ebony fingerboard adorned with laminated Abalone Crown inlays.

Euro CST basses are equipped with a lightweight aluminum bridge for precise and reliable intonation. Premium active EMG X Series pickups deliver the exceptional clarity, attack, and silent operation that defines the Spector sound. These basses also feature the all-new Spector Legacy preamp. Developed in collaboration with Darkglass Electronics, this preamp captures the classic “Spector growl,” heard on countless iconic recordings, with added versatility.

Euro CST basses are available in 4- and 5-string models in four distinct high gloss finishes: Natural, Natural Black Burst, Natural Red Burst, and Natural Violet Burst.

Euro LX and Euro LX Bolt-On:
The Euro LX offers all the features that have made the Spector name famous around the globe. Inspired by the iconic NS-2, Euro LX basses feature a fully carved and contoured body, high-grade tonewoods, and professional-grade electronics and hardware. For the first time ever, players can now choose between neck-thru and bolt-on construction in the Euro LX range.  

Each Euro LX bass, regardless of construction, is crafted using premium materials, including a European Alder body, figured European Maple top, and a 3-piece North American Maple neck combined with a Rosewood fingerboard for strength, stability, and sustain. Euro LX basses are then outfitted with a lightweight, aluminum bridge for spot-on, reliable intonation. Premium active pickups from EMG provide the exceptional clarity, attack, and silent operation that Spector is known for. Like the Euro CST basses, these instruments also feature the all-new Spector Legacy preamp.

The newly revised Euro LX range is available in four distinct, hand-rubbed stains, including Transparent Black, Natural Sunburst, Haunted Moss, and Nightshade. Each of these colors features a durable and comfortable matte finish.  

John Stippell, Director, Korg Bass Division, remarks, “I’m thrilled to announce the latest additions to the renowned Euro Range. The CST Series, our new premium offering, features new and unique wood combinations and unprecedented features. The beloved LX Series is now better than ever with the introduction of Bolt-On models, vibrant new color options, and the all-new Spector Legacy Preamp, delivering the classic Spector tone with unmatched precision.”

For more information, visit

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Luthier Spotlight: Garry Beers, GGB Basses



Luthier Spotlight - Garry Beers, GGB Basses

Meet Garry Beers, Luthier and owner of GGB Basses…

Bass Musician Magazine: How did you get your start in music?

Garry Beers: I played acoustic guitar as a kid with my mates at school. We decided that one of us should play bass, so we had a contest where the one who knew the least guitar chords would buy a bass – so I lost the contest, bought my first bass, and became the only bass player in the neighborhood. Soon after, I met Andrew Farriss, who had heard that I had a bass, and a few days later, I was jamming with Andrew and Jon Farriss.

Are you still an active player?

Yes, I am still actively writing music and playing bass sessions. I also have an LA-based original band called Ashenmoon.

How did you get started as a Luthier? When did you build your first bass? 

I did woodwork in High School and always enjoyed making all sorts of things out of wood.

After finishing high school, I took a course in electronics for a year or so and learned enough to understand basic circuits in guitars, amplifiers, and effects. The best way to learn is to deconstruct and study, so my dad’s garage was littered with old junked radios and any instrument parts I could find. 

My first guitars were more like Frankenstein-type creations made out of parts I found here and there. I didn’t really try to build a bass from scratch until I perfected my Quad pickup design and got my patent.

How do you select the woods you choose to build with?

I only use woods that were used at Fender in the 50s, which are my favorite basses and guitars of all time. All my GGB basses are modeled in some way from my INXS bass- a 1958 Fender Precision bass I bought in 1985 in Chicago. I call her “Old Faithful,” and she has an Alder wood body with a maple neck. All of my GGB basses are select Alder wood bodies that I have had extra dried, so they match the resonance of “Old Faithful,” as she has had 66 years to lose all her moisture and become more resonant and alive-sounding. I use plain old Maple necks that I carefully select, and again, I dry the necks to make them sing a little more.

Tell us about your pickups.

I started working on my Quad coil design back in Australia in the ‘90s and then put it to bed, so to speak, until I found an old pickup winding machine at a swap meet here in LA. I taught myself enough about pickup winding to build my first prototype design and worked towards my patented Quad coil design by trial and error. Nordstrand Audio builds the pickups for me here in SOCAL.

What is the reaction of players who pick up your basses?

I build the basses to feel like an old friend. They look and feel vintage, and when you plug them in, you discover the array of vintage sounds available to you from just one pickup. Most of the players I have contact with are established professional players, and they all love the basses. Freddie Washington and Nick Seymour from Crowded House are a couple of players with GGB Basses in their hands.

What are a few things that you are proud of in your instruments and would consider unique?

I would say I am most proud of the patented Quad pickup design. I own the patent from 4 through to 10-string. So far, I have only built 4 and 5-string pickups, but the design is a winner. Split Humbucker / Reverse Split Humbucker / Full Humbucker / Single coil Neck / Single coil bridge. All these sounds come from one passive pickup. I am very proud that my perseverance and desire to have this pickup have made it a reality. Being able to have these sounds in one bass enables the player to have one bass in the studio and on the stage. The only place you can have the GGB Quad pickup is in one of my GGB Basses.

Which one of the basses that you build is your favorite one?

I offer three body shapes and about ten different color options – all based on the ‘50s and early ‘60s custom guitar and car paint styles. I have always been a lover of P basses, but my favorite bass I build is now my XS-1 model- which is a custom Jazz bass body style. It is pretty sexy and is a light, well-balanced, and great-feeling body shape. The other body styles are the XS-2, which is a custom Jazzmaster body and has been the most popular so far- and the XS-3, which is the standard P bass body style. I also offer an XS-58, which is a replica of my “Old Faithful” ‘58 P bass. They are currently available to order now and should be available soon.

Can you give us a word of advice to young Luthiers who are just starting out?

I don’t really consider myself a Luthier in the traditional sense. I just love to build things and tinker. I was always looking to improve things, whether it was a guitar, an amp, a pedal board, or a car. So my advice is to always be curious and learn the basics of what you want to build, and the rest should follow once you decide what you want to say as a designer/builder. People are lucky these days that you can learn pretty much anything from talented people on the internet, but nothing replaces working with and learning from real people in real situations. Seek out like-minded builders and start a discussion.

What advice would you give a young musician trying to find his perfect bass?

Have a good hard think about what you want to say as a player. What is your style, both musically and as a player? There are so many instruments available. Do the research, play the instruments that fit your criteria, and make a decision. But make sure you try a GGB Bass!   With all the sound choices my basses offer, with a simple turn of a knob, you may find it easier to find “your” sound.

What is the biggest success for you and for your company?

Well, the company is brand new, and at this point, it is just me, so getting this far in the manufacturing process and now having these amazing basses in my hands is a great achievement, but now comes all the business stuff!! 

What are your future plans?

It’s a work in progress. Right now, it’s all about getting the word out and getting the basses into the hands of interested players. I believe in the basses – and the Quad pickup, so hopefully, GGB Basses can become a go-to bass for demanding studio and live players who want sound choices in a gorgeous vintage-style instrument.

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Gear Reviews

Gear Review: Joyo Monomyth – A Versatile Modern Bass Preamp



Gear Revieww: Joyo Monomyth - A Versatile Modern Bass Preamp

Disclaimer: This pedal was kindly provided by Joyo for the purpose of this review. However, this does not influence our opinions or the content of our reviews. We strive to provide honest, unbiased, and accurate assessments to ensure that our readers receive truthful and helpful information.


The Joyo Monomyth bass preamp pedal is designed to offer bassists a comprehensive range of tonal options, combining modern features with practical functionality. With independent channels for EQ and overdrive, as well as useful additions like a cab sim and DI output, the Monomyth aims to be a versatile tool for both live performances and studio sessions. This review will delve into the pedal’s specifications, controls, and overall performance to determine if it lives up to its promise of delivering quality and flexibility at an affordable price.


– Dimensions: 130 * 110 * 50 mm

– Weight: 442g

– Working Voltage: DC 9V


The Joyo Monomyth is equipped with a comprehensive set of controls designed to provide maximum tonal flexibility:

– Voice: Adjusts the character of the overdrive, from distortion to fuzz.

– Blend: Balances the dry and effected signals, crucial for maintaining low-end presence.

– Level: Sets the overall output volume.

– Drive: Controls the amount of gain in the overdrive channel.

– Treble Boost: Enhances high and mid frequencies for clarity in complex passages.

– Gain Boost: Adds extra gain, particularly effective at low gain settings to enhance the low e.

– EQ Function Controls: Features a 6-band graphic EQ plus a master control for precise nal shaping.

– Ground Lift Switch: Helps eliminate ground loop noise.

– Cab Sim Switch: Activates a simulated 8×10″ cab sound.

– LED Light Control: Customizes the pedal’s ambient lighting.


The Joyo Monomyth shines in its dual-channel design, offering both a transparent EQ channel and a versatile overdrive channel. The 6-band EQ allows for detailed tonal adjustments, preserving the natural character of your bass while providing ample flexibility. The voice control mimics the functionality of the Darkglass Alpha Omega, shifting from distortion to fuzz, with a sweet spot around the middle for balanced tones.

The blend control is essential for retaining the low end when using distortion, ensuring your bass remains powerful and clear. The treble and gain boosts, available on the overdrive channel, further enhance the pedal’s versatility, making it suitable for everything from subtle drive to full-blown fuzz.

Outputs are plentiful, with a DI and XLR out for direct recording or ampless setups, and a headphone out for convenient practice sessions. The cab sim switch adds a realistic 8×10″ cab sound, enhancing the Monomyth’s utility in live and studio environments.


– Versatile Control Set: Offers a wide range of tones, from clean to fuzz.

– Blend Control: Maintains low-end presence.

– Robust Outputs: DI, XLR, and headphone outs make it adaptable for various setups.

– Affordable: Provides high-end functionality at a budget-friendly price.

– Sturdy Construction: Durable build quality ensures reliability.


– Plastic Knobs: May feel less premium compared to metal controls.

– Boosts Limited to Overdrive Channel: Treble and gain boosts do not affect the EQ channel.

– Cab Sim only on the XLR out: how cool would it be to also have it on the headphone out?


In conclusion, the Joyo Monomyth stands out as a versatile and powerful bass preamp pedal, offering a range of features that cater to both traditional and modern bassists. Its dual-channel design, comprehensive control set, and robust output options make it a valuable tool for achieving a wide spectrum of tones, from clean and warm to heavily distorted. For bassists seeking flexibility, reliability, and excellent value, the Joyo Monomyth is a top contender.

For more information, visit online at

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July 15 Edition – This Week’s Top 10 Basses on Instagram



TOP 10 Basses of the week

Check out our top 10 favorite basses on Instagram this week…

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Gear News: Future Impact V4 Guitar & Bass Synth Now Available in the U.S.



Future Impact V4 Guitar & Bass Synth

Future Impact V4 Guitar & Bass Synth Now Available in the U.S….

The Future Impact V4 is an incredibly versatile pedal with an exceptionally wide range of sounds. In addition to producing synthesizer sounds such as basses, leads and pads, it can function as an octaver, chorus, flanger, phaser, distortion, envelope filter, traditional wah-wah, tremolo, reverb, etc., and even has a built-in tuner. It can also drive external synthesizer gear via the optional CV/Gate. As such, it can potentially replace an entire pedalboard of dedicated single-effect pedals. 

The very powerful signal processor of the Future Impact V4 is able to replicate the various oscillator, filter, amplifier and envelope generator blocks found in classic synthesizers. In addition, it contains signal processing blocks more traditionally used for processing the sound of an instrument such as a harmonizer block and audio effects such as chorus, distortion and EQ. These architectures complement each other in a very flexible way.

Check out this short video with new sounds:

The Future Impact V4 has a completely new hardware platform with numerous enhancements, some of which are:

– 32-bit ultra-low-noise analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters
– New app-based software architecture 
– Vastly advanced pitch tracking based on 30+ years of experience
– Hard Sync between oscillators to open new sonic worlds
– On-pedal edits that can be saved into program memories
– Total compatibility with all previous Deep Impact and Future Impact patches

Setting the standard for the bass guitar synth pedals since 2015, together with an enthusiastic community and long line of great artists, the Future Impact V4 is the guitar synth platform for the next decade. 

For more information, visit online at

Exclusive U.S. distribution by Tech 21 USA, Inc

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